Making a Will in the UAE is an essential obligation for individuals living or having assets. This gives your assets the much-needed protection and ensures they are passed on to individuals you choose after you pass away. With a Will, you can decide which assets to pass on to specific individuals. For those unfamiliar with the process of making a Will, it may be unclear what to include in a Will. In this blog, we will explain the key components of a UAE Will.

1. Beneficiaries

A beneficiary is an individual whom you nominate in your Will to receive your assets after you pass away. You can give all of your assets to one beneficiary or you can divide them among multiple individuals. In most cases, a married person will have arranged for his/her surviving spouse to be the beneficiary of all of his/her assets in the UAE. As the testator, you may select your children as the alternative beneficiaries for a situation where your spouse does not survive you. Depending upon your family situation, you may further name alternative beneficiaries from among your anticipated survivors like parents and siblings.

Check Out: Will Writing in Abu Dhabi

2. Executors

An executor is the individual who will take up the responsibility of implementing the testator’s wishes in the Will. After the court issues the probate order, the executor has to manage the estate of the testator and distribute the assets as specified in the probate order.
Typically, a married individual will appoint his/her spouse as the executor. To cover for a potential scenario where the executor does not survive you, it is important to include at least two (2) alternate executors who are over 21 at the time of writing your Will. These people can be your close friends, blood relatives, or distant relatives. They can also be the same people you listed as alternate guardians for your children.

3. Guardians

Should the testator be a person with dependents (i.e. is married and/or has children), he/she will need to appoint his/her spouse as the guardian of their child/children under 21 years of age. To provide for the eventuality of both the testator and the appointed guardian passing away together in a tragic event, it is advisable to appoint a minimum of two (2) substitute guardians who are over 21 years of age at the time of execution of the Will. These substitute guardians should ideally be blood relatives such as siblings or parents. Should an appointed guardian be based outside of the United Arab Emirates, it is also recommended to appoint a temporary guardian who is a UAE resident and who can take care of your minor child if needed between the time of the event and until the permanent guardian can arrive in the UAE.

Check Out: DIFC Wills

4. Personal Information

The Will must include your personal information, such as your full name, nationality, passport number, and current address, to provide proof of identification and verification of the document. It will also be useful to include the date on which the Will was registered so that it can be distinguished from any prior documents.

5. Declaration

The document will include a declaration that this is your last Will. This declaration will confirm your intent and will ensure that the Will is a legally binding document. You also need to state that you were in your right state of mind and were free of any undue influence when you made out the Will.

6. Miscellaneous Wishes

You have the option to include some personal instructions such as your preferred funeral arrangements. This can include something like whether you would prefer burial or cremation, or any specific wishes relating to any ceremony. This may not be a legally binding instruction but can provide clear direction to your loved ones during a difficult time and can uphold your wishes.

Consider taking professional legal advice to ensure that your Will complies with the laws of the UAE and that it reflects your intentions. Once the Will is completed, it must be registered, and you can secure professional services for registration purposes as well. InZone brings you a team of licensed Will writing professionals in the United Arab Emirates. With InZone’s expertise, you can ensure that your Will includes all the important elements, guarantees the protection of your assets, and provides peace of mind for you and your family.